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- Manyo Club Onsen Minatomirai, La Salsa - All You Can Eat California Mex, Luup Electric Scooters
Manyo Club Onsen Minatomirai, La Salsa - All You Can Eat California Mex, Luup Electric Scooters
Happy Friday Yokohama!We hope you enjoyed the fireworks last night, and it didn't give you a shock!(check out the photo of the day below)We've got some great info for you today, so sit back and enjoy.
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Manyo Club Onsen Minatomirai
La Salsa - All You Can Eat California Mex
Luup Electric Scooters
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Manyo Club Onsen Minatomirai
One of the most "unique" Japanese experiences is the onsen or hot springs baths.Yokohama has many onsens, but one of the best and most scenic is the Manyo club overlooking the Ferris wheel in Minatomirai.Using water imported from the Atami region, they offer a whole complex with numerous baths, restrooms, restaurants, and bars.A traditional yukata is provided and you can easily have a relaxed day or evening here.The cost of entry is 2500 yen, so make sure to plan a number of hours here to make the most of it.If it's your first time to an onsen, here are some tips provided by our friends at Manyo club:
1. Perform Kakeyu BEFORE entering the bath. Kakeyu is the customary practice of splashing hot water onto the lower part of the body prior to entering the bath. This helps to acclimate your body to the bath temperature. First rinse the entire body thoroughly with very warm water. Then, using the provided pail, scoop some water from the small Kakeyu basin and splash it over your lower body.
2. Carefully make your way to the bath.Slowly submerge your body in stages, all the way up to the chest area. Soak until your skin is softened and your body is warmed through. This may take anywhere from a minute to a few minutes.
3. Slowly emerge from the bath, towel off excess water, and carefully make your way back to the washing station.Now is the time for scrubbing. Take a seat on a stool or use the Western-style shower stall. Use the washcloth and soap to cleanse and exfoliate your skin. A twisted wrung-out washcloth makes a great scrubber. You may scrub your back by holding the long washcloth at either end and using a sawing motion over your backside. Wash your hair if necessary. Thoroughly rinse yourself, being sure to remove every trace of soap and dead skin cells. Thoroughly rinse the washcloth, using the pail as a washbasin, changing the water several times. Re-secure the hair if necessary. Now you are ready for a more prolonged soak in the bath.
4. Take care not to overheat in the bath. A short soak, followed by a cooling-off period, is customary.Stay within your comfort range. If you find the water too hot, seek a cooler area further away from the hot water inlet. At the end of the bathing session, a quick cool shower can lower body temperature and close the pores. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and rehydrate.
Official Website (English) > https://www.manyo.co.jp/mm21/eng/Google Map > https://g.page/manyoclubmm21?share

La Salsa - All You Can Eat California Mex
Let's face it. There aren't that many great Mexican food options in Japan.La Salsa hopes to change that.With their "Californian" take on traditional Mexican food, there's something for everyone.Located on the 4F of the Mark Is shopping center, this restaurant offers great value for your hard-earned yen.Go on any weekday and you can enjoy the all-you-can-eat lunch course for 1500 yen.This includes tacos and fajitas, fresh-made tortillas, a range of salsa, a drink bar, and a myriad of other Cali cuisines such as pizza, chicken, and desserts.You'll leave with your belly full, your mouth on fire (if you add too many jalapenos), and your wallet intact.Check it out - Yokohama's best cali mex perhaps?Menu > https://lasalsa-americanhouse.owst.jp/lunchesGoogle Map > https://goo.gl/maps/SnYJNvjUk7wofFi68

Luup Electric Scooters
You may have noticed a whole bunch of electric scooters popping up in central Yokohama.These green scooters are run by a startup "Luup", following the trend of electric mobility in the USA.Simply download the app to make an account, check out a scooter and you can zip from A to B at around 15 km/hr.Your first 30min ride is free!You will need to answer some questions and upload your license to activate your account though.The scooters are designed to be used on the road in Japan, but in the future the law is changing, allowing them to be used as a bicycle.Stay safe and enjoy zipping around the city - eco-friendly!
Official Website > https://luup.sc/port-map/?city=yokohamaDownload App > https://apps.apple.com/JP/app/id1445630390

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Photo of the Day

Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/naonao705410/

Have a great weekend!
Make the most of the sunshine and enjoy the weekend.Feel free to look back over some of the recent newsletters at helloyokohama.com if you need some inspiration or things to do.We'll see you on the other side!PS. We do appreciate it when you share or let a friend know about us! The easiest way to subscribe is to share this link: https://helloyokohama.beehiiv.com/subscribe